My husband and I love to read and what best place to spend the evening then at the bookstores. We usually ask for a tea pot with green tea. Green tea apparently is supposed to help metabolism. So as we were engrossed in our reading half an hour later our hot tea had turned into ice (ok okie cold) tea. I wished I was home so I could reheat it. Just adding hot water of course means losing flavor.
When we are at home it is easy I just use one of our tea cozies around the pot and not worry about the tea getting cold. So however, long my husband is on the phone or I am caught up with something else one thing we can count on is our tea remaining hot for a longer time.
Sewing a tea cozy is simple and I have sewn a few of my own. I have pictures of them below. If you plan to buy your own tea cozies are priced anywhere from $10 to $60 depending on the type you buy. Sewing your own tea cozy of course has it's own pleasure.
It is a great gift idea for something unique and handmade. There are many more patterns in my eBook and if you are a beginner or just looking for a refresher you will love the easy projects mentioned in the book. If you like more information, please do not hesitate to ask or check my website
Until then,
Express yourself,